Around 70% of job adverts for English Language Teachers ask for a CELTA qualification. This is one of the key findings from a recent survey by Cambridge English into English Language teaching job adverts.
The survey looked at 500 English language teaching (TEFL) job adverts posted across 23 international industry employment websites during April 2015, with the objective of gaining an insight into employers’ expectations globally and the level and variety of usage of English language teaching qualifications. It recorded which qualifications were needed for jobs in language schools and organisations in 56 countries.
The survey data shows that the percentage is highest in the UK, with 91% of adverts asking for a CELTA qualification (157 out of 173 adverts). Another interesting insight from the research is that some of the job titles included CELTA e.g. CELTA English Teacher or CELTA/TESOL Teacher.
Tim Banks, Global Manager Teacher Development for Cambridge English, said, ‘this survey proves that employers value the CELTA qualification and have confidence in the quality of training it gives English language teachers. Students tell us that they choose CELTA because it is so well recognised around the world and it will help them get a job. I’m very pleased that this survey shows they are right.’
CELTA is an English language teaching qualification produced by Cambridge English, available at over 300 approved centres in more than 60 countries. Each course provides the knowledge, skills and hands-on teaching experience employers value in a new teacher.
Find more information about CELTA here