Proficient Science fiction This reading and writing activity practises understanding text structure through referencing words and various types of linkers and discourse markers.
Proficient Forensic linguistics Read the text about the role of forensic linguistics in solving crimes. Then answer the question to practise the full range of reading skills required for reading discursive texts on academic subjects.
Independent Being an adult This reading activity practises understanding implied meaning. Read the article about being an adult and answer the multiple-choice questions.
Independent Learning about archery Reporter Carly Pimm is learning about a new sport. Practise scanning a text to find information quickly in this reading activity.
Independent Retail therapy This reading activity focuses on particular words used to refer back to something in the text. Read the text about retail therapy and match words with the people they refer to.
Basic Penny's day in the city Read the email from Penny about her day in the city. Look out for details in the email and complete the sentences with the correct endings.
Independent Arranging to meet Read the conversation between Dave and Jane, who are planning to meet. Answer the True/False questions to practise reading for detail.
Basic The teacher Read the text about Ben, who is an English teacher. Answer some multiple-choice questions about the text to practise your reading.
Independent Websites for teens Read the text about websites for teenagers and match the person with the website they would find most useful. This activity practises reading a text for detailed information.