Cambridge English supports training for teachers across Pakistan to help them increase their confidence when teaching their subject in English.
A series of teacher training events have been held in Lahore to help teachers gain the skills and confidence they need to deliver lectures in English. The sessions, held in February and March, trained 34 teachers from Punjab public colleges and universities. The sessions, held at ICD Lahore Centre, were aimed at teachers who regularly have to deliver lectures in English.
During the training teachers were introduced to internationally recognised qualifications and courses from Cambridge English, with a number of attendees expressing an interest in enrolling themselves in these formal teaching qualifications.
Ramiz Haddadin, Cambridge English Regional Commercial Head for the region, said:
'Ongoing teacher training is key to ensuring teachers and students have a positive experience in the classroom. In Pakistan there is a growing number of teachers delivering lectures in English and it’s essential that they have the skills they need to do this with confidence. We introduced teachers to range of Cambridge English courses that have been designed to help them develop the skills they need for success.'
Attiqa Bano, from a Government college in Lahore, claimed it to be a great experience and said that 'such training should be arranged frequently to enhance teachers’ capacities.' Many others stated that the training was 'informative, interactive and interesting'.
The training was organised by Higher Education Department Government of Punjab and Institute of Career Development (ICD). Due to the success of the events, more are being organised in April and May at ICD Lahore and Islamabad centres. ICD is offering Cambridge English teaching qualifications to both private and public sector teachers.