Students who need to take the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) for admissions to medical school can improve their science and mathematical skills with an updated guide from Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing. The free guide is aimed at students preparing for Section 2 of the BMAT test, which covers knowledge of chemistry, biology, physics and maths.

Andy Chamberlain, Head of Admissions Testing, said:
‘It’s common for students who haven’t studied all the sciences at college to worry that their knowledge is not enough for Section 2 of the test. That is why we have updated this guide, which will be a great tool for students to use as part of their ongoing preparation. It reassures students that school level science and maths knowledge is sufficient for Section 2, but also reminds them of the importance of using problem-solving skills not typically required in school exams. Preparation is key to success, and these high quality materials provide both up to date syllabus content and practice questions and answers.’
The online resource has been prepared by experienced BMAT question writers and is tailored to the 2019 Section 2 test specification. The Section 2 guide is designed to help widen student participation as it can be used on multiple devices, features an easier log in for visually impaired students, and can also can be saved and printed for review offline.
Darren Beaney, Head of Admissions at Brighton and Sussex Medical School comments:
‘The resource is a really valuable tool for students – they can see where their strengths are and if they have any gaps in their knowledge. Students then know what they need to work on to enhance their ability to do well in the test.’
Students can access the new Section 2 guide on the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing website.