Last year, we hosted our first and what we had hoped to be our last online Cambridge Day. While we cannot physically organise such an event at the moment, we are still extremely happy to be able to continue to support teachers in Romania. We can again count on the help and contribution of our wonderful array of speakers and teacher trainers to make our Cambridge Day a memorable experience.
Join us online for a rich programme, split into two parts (primary and secondary focus) with teaching tips and fun ideas as well as information on how to structure exam preparation for your students, both digitally and in the classroom. Our partners Centrul de Carte Straina Sitka, Fischer International, Art Klett and Authorised Exam Centres in Romania will prepare some nice surprises for the participants!
NB. Certificates of attendance will be given to participants (one for each part attended).
We look forward to seeing you among the participants,
The Cambridge team