Just last year in February, everyone was together for our 2020 Cambridge Day in Bucharest. Many of the participants had not heard the term “COVID-19”, and no-one was able to imagine the implications the pandemic would hold. How our lives – and our teaching – have been affected!
Given the current situation, a face-to-face Cambridge Day can’t be organised, as you can well understand. But we are excited to be able to propose our first online Cambridge Day geared to your new classroom needs in these changing times.
Please do join us online for one, two or three evenings of interactive sessions providing you with ideas and solutions for the challenges you are facing in the classroom. Daily breaks will be organised by our partners, Centrul de Carte Straina Sitka, Fischer International and Art Klett - with some nice surprises for the participants! Our Authorised Exam Centres' information will be provided to you as well, as we all know how popular Cambridge English Qualifications are! We'll be sharing info and listening to you, too. Sign up for this year’s virtual event CAMBRIDGE DAYS ROMANIA!
NB. Certificates of attendance will be given to participants.
We look forward to seeing you among the participants,
Cambridge English