Free teaching resources for computer-based and paper-based exam preparation
Our free teaching resources are suitable for both computer-based and paper-based exams. Explore and download lesson plans, vocabulary lists, sample papers and more, for all our Cambridge English Qualifications. We also have Speaking test example videos that you can use to familiarise students with the tests.
Resources for teachers
Updated handbooks and candidate information booklets
Remember that you can find our handbooks and candidate information booklets for each level on our exam preparation pages – just select the level you need. They contain everything you need to know about each exam, as well as updated computer-based content.
Additional resources for computer-based exams
Our booklet Teaching tips for the computer-based Cambridge English Qualifications provides up-to-date advice for preparing your students, from A2 Key to C2 Proficiency.
To get a better idea of how our computer-based exams work, watch our video tutorial of a B1 Preliminary computer-based exam.