There is no pass or fail and all children receive a certificate, which shows how many shields they have achieved (out of a maximum of five) for each part of the test.
An A1 Movers Digital certificate is a lovely way to celebrate a child's individual achievement and build their confidence.
A result of one shield means a child can improve a lot in that skill. Five shields means a child did very well in that skill and answered most questions correctly.
The back of the certificate shows how results align to the CEFR. If a child has earned four or five shields in each skill, they are ready to start preparing for the next Cambridge English qualification - A2 Flyers or A2 Key for Schools.

Statement of Results
All children will receive a Statement of Results as well as their certificate.
The Statement of Results includes:
- the number of shields they have received for each part of the test
- information on their strengths
- areas for improvement and ideas for how to improve
Take a look at an example Statement of Results.
Bilingual Statement of Results
The Statement of Results will be available in English, as well as bilingual versions in the following languages:
- French
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
Take a look at an example in Spanish.
How do I access the Statement of Results?
Schools and parents will be able to access learner results directly through your preparation centre and our Online Results Service as soon as they're available.
- Preparation centres will need to be registered by their exam centre to access the Online Results Service. If you do not have access, please contact your authorised exam centre.
- Parents and learners can access the Statement of Results on our free Online Results Service for Candidates. Please contact your authorised exam centre for registration details.
Further information on results
Enquiries and appeals
Lost certificates