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Linguaskill is a modular online test which assesses all four language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. This gives you choice about the skills you want to assess.
Linguaskill is available as two options, General and Business. This gives you the ability to choose the sort of language that will be tested, based on your objectives.
Linguaskill General tests language used in daily life, making it ideal for university admission or exit, and recruitment for roles in a non-business-specific environment. For example, where the employee needs strong English skills to perform their role effectively, but will not need specialist business terminology.
This makes the test suitable for a broad spectrum of organisations. Test topics include studying and working, making future plans, travel and technology.
Linguaskill Business tests English used in a business and corporate setting, and is most suitable for recruitment in organisations where employees are expected to be familiar with the language of business.
It is suitable for large or small organisations, which may be operating on an international level. Test topics include the buying and selling of products or services, the office, business travel and human resources.
The Reading and Listening module is adaptive, so there is not a fixed number of questions. Each question the candidate answers helps the computer to understand their level better. The test finishes when the candidate has answered enough questions for Linguaskill to identify their level accurately.
Download our guide to computer adaptive testing of listening and reading skills.
Results for the Reading and Listening module are provided immediately.
Read and select Candidates read a notice, diagram, label, memo or letter containing a short text and choose the sentence or phrase that most closely matches the meaning of the text. There are three possible answers.
Gapped sentences Candidates read a sentence with a missing word (gap) and choose the correct word to fill the gap. There are four choices for each gap.
Multiple-choice gap-fill Candidates choose the right word or phrase to fill the gaps in a text. There are four choices for each gap.
Open gap-fill Candidates read a short text in which there are some missing words (gaps) and write in the missing word in each gap.
Extended reading Candidates read a longer text and answer a series of multiple-choice questions. The questions are in the same order as the information in the text.
Listen and select Candidates listen to a short audio recording and answer a multiple-choice question with three options.
Extended listening Candidates listen to a longer recording and answer a series of multiple-choice questions based on it. The questions are in the same order as the information they hear in the recording.
Take the Linguaskill General Reading and Listening sample test
Take the Linguaskill Business Reading and Listening sample test
The Writing module asks candidates to input answers using a computer keyboard. Answers are marked automatically by the computer. Writing results will be released when ready and within 48 hours. Typically, 99% of results are available within 12 hours.
Part one Candidates read a short prompt, usually an email. They use the information in the prompt and the three bullet points to write an email of at least 50 words. Candidates should spend about 15 minutes on this.
Part two Candidates read a short text outlining a scenario and respond using the information in the scenario and the three bullet points. Linguaskill General candidates will write at least 180 words to a wider audience and may be asked to produce a variety of text types (e.g. review, article, web post). Linguaskill Business candidates will write a letter or report of at least 180 words, often to a manager or staff within the company or to external clients.
Take the Linguaskill General Writing sample test
Take the Linguaskill Business Writing sample test
The Speaking module is taken using a computer with a microphone and headphones. Questions are presented to the candidate through the computer screen and headphones, and their responses are recorded.
Linguaskill General Speaking and Linguaskill Business Speaking are assessed by using human examiners or market-leading auto-marking technology, known as hybrid marking. Speaking results will be released when ready and within 48 hours. Typically, 90% of results are available within 12 hours.
There are five parts to the Speaking module.
Length: 15 minutes (5 parts)
Take the Linguaskill General Speaking sample test
Take the Linguaskill Business Speaking sample test