Virtually Anywhere Episode 1
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ORThe series begins with final-year archaeology students Geeta and Paul arguing about which location to study for their final piece of coursework.
Suddenly they are contacted by a mysterious character called the Professor, who says he wants to meet them.
Read the email from Paul and Geeta's tutor before you listen to Episode 1. Afterwards, you can do the learning activities to practise the words you've heard.
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PAUL: Hi Geeta.
GEETA: Hello Paul.
PAUL: Look, I know we haven't always agreed on things in the past ...
GEETA: Well, I can't really remember us agreeing about anything.
PAUL: OK, OK, and you think I'm a bit of an ...
GEETA: Idiot? Yes I do, and I also think you're a bit lazy ...
PAUL: Hey, that's not fair!
GEETA: I'll tell you what's not fair Paul, Doctor Davis pairing me with you - that's not fair! When I'm about to get a first class degree and you're about to fail the entire course!
PAUL: Listen Geeta ...
GEETA: No, no, you listen. Look, I'm sorry Paul. I don't mean to be rude, but you need to understand how important this is to me! If I don't get an A grade in the final piece of coursework then I won't get a first class degree, which will mean that I won't get the job I want at the museum.
PAUL: Well it's the same for me! Well, not about the job, but I need an A grade just to pass the course!
GEETA: Well, it looks like we're in this together then, aren't we? Let's at least try to get along.
PAUL: Hey, of course we can get along! I promise I'll try my best.
GEETA: You promise?
PAUL: Yes, I promise.
GEETA: Thank you. Right, I've already researched the locations and I think we should definitely study Teotihuacan. It's this incredible ancient city in Mexico, and no one's really sure who originally built it. Parts of the site are fascinating, like the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, and there's a road that's called The Avenue of the Dead that runs right through the middle of the city! I think we should definitely study it.
PAUL: No way - we should definitely do the Terracotta Army - it's amazing! All those ancient statues of warriors protecting the Emperor's tomb - I read there are 8,000 of them! And they were only discovered fairly recently, so there's still so much to find out! It's a place that's full of mystery ...
GEETA: You can't be serious? The Terracotta Army is what everyone else on the course will choose! If we want to get an A grade, we need to do something more original and go with Teotihuacan!
PAUL: But it's a bit boring, isn't it? We want warriors! Swords! Danger! The Terracotta Army! Come on!
GEETA: No! No. Argh! I can't believe this is happening! Sorry, just got an ... email.
PAUL: Yeah, me too.
GEETA: Hmm, how strange. It says: Are you having a difficult time with your group coursework? Come to Study Room 42 ...
PAUL: ... in the Darwin Building at 3 p.m. on Thursday. Yeah, I got the same message. From the Professor. Which Professor?
GEETA: No idea. Wait a minute, what's the time?
PAUL: It's a quarter to three - the meeting's in 15 minutes! Shall we go?
GEETA: It depends - will you agree to study Teotihuacan?
PAUL: Er, no.
GEETA: Well, let's go then. Maybe this Professor can help you decide that I'm right. We'll have to be quick though - the Darwin Building's at the other end of campus.
After listening, do the learning activities to practise the words you've heard.
Try these activities next

Virtually Anywhere Episode 5

Virtually Anywhere Episode 6