Virtually Anywhere Episode 6
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ORThe story so far: students Geeta and Paul, having narrowly escaped from The Tomb of the First Emperor in China, find themselves in Teotihuacan, Mexico. But after meeting a local tour guide called Fernando, Paul vanishes unexpectedly.
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NARRATOR: Geeta and Paul are final year archaeology students who, with the help of a mysterious character called the Professor, have used a machine called Virtually Anywhere to virtually transport themselves around the world. Having narrowly escaped the tomb of the First Emperor in China, they arrive in Teotihuacan in Mexico. After meeting a local tour guide called Fernando, Paul vanishes unexpectedly.
GEETA: Paul! Where has he gone? Will he be OK? Professor!
PROFESSOR: It's probably just a problem with the system, I'm sure he'll be fine. As long as he's been transported somewhere safely above ground and not into the middle of a rock! Aha, found him. OK. It's telling me he's just over there ... in that temple ... somewhere ... deep underground ...
GEETA: Underground?
GEETA: Deep underground?
GEETA: Not safely above ground?
PROFESSOR: No. Although the computer has been having a few problems ...
FERNANDO: That's the Temple of the Feathered Serpent - there are many tunnels and burial chambers underneath it.
GEETA: Could he be somewhere inside?
FERNANDO: Well it's possible. The tunnels are still being excavated, however it's strictly prohibited to enter!
PROFESSOR: Well that must be it then. Virtually Anywhere has accidentally transported him there.
FERNANDO: Virtually what? I don't understand. What happened to the other guy?
GEETA: Look, you saw him disappear, didn't you?
FERNANDO: I ... Er, well yes, I think that's what I saw. I don't know ...
GEETA: There's no time to explain, but Paul must be somewhere in the tunnels - can you take us there?
FERNANDO: I can't ... I'm sorry. As I said, it's strictly prohibited to enter.
GEETA: Listen Fernando, Paul could be in real trouble - he could be stuck deep underground for all we know, and he needs our help!
FERNANDO: Look, OK, OK! We can go there quickly, but you have to promise not to touch anything.
GEETA: Of course!
PROFESSOR: Yes, yes.
FERNANDO: OK ... Follow me ... This is the entrance to the underground tunnels. Get inside! Quickly! We don't want to be seen.
GEETA: Which way Professor?
PROFESSOR: Down this passageway! Let's go! Right, we're very close. The computer says he should be over in that corner.
GEETA: There's no one here! Paul! Can you hear me? Paul! There! Did you hear that?
FERNANDO: Yes! It sounds like it's coming from behind this wall!
PROFESSOR: That must be him! He's trapped in there!
FERNANDO: But ... that's impossible. This area has not been excavated - there's no way in ...
PROFESSOR: ... or out.
GEETA: Yes there is. Professor, pass me that pickaxe!
FERNANDO: What are you doing? Don't even think about using that axe! Firstly, this is an archaeological site and secondly, you promised not to touch anything!
GEETA: But Fernando, Paul could be ...
PROFESSOR: Everybody stand back!
PAUL: Oh, hi guys!
GEETA: Paul! You're OK! Thank goodness.
PAUL: Yeah, I'm fine. I thought I was trapped in this chamber, but then I pulled a lever and the door opened! Anyway, I think I've found something you might want to see. Come in here and have a look at this.
GEETA: It's a huge mural. It's ... beautiful.
FERNANDO: This is ... an absolutely incredible painting. And it's perfectly preserved! It's a mural of the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan! My friend, this discovery could make you a famous archaeologist!
PROFESSOR: Well, not before he passes his final assignment I'm afraid. Now, I'm sorry to break up the party, but my remote control batteries are getting low and I'm afraid it's time to get back so that you can both begin work on that assignment.
GEETA: That suits me. After all this I think I need a good sit down and a nice cup of tea. Bye Fernando.
FERNANDO: But you can't go now, what about the mural?
PAUL: Ah, just say you discovered it - maybe it can make you a famous archaeologist!
PROFESSOR: Right, it's time to go home! Hmm, I don't like the sound of that! Oh no! The connection is very weak - we need to leave right now! I'm afraid it's going to be a bumpy ride back. Hold on tight!
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Try these activities next

Virtually Anywhere Episode 5

Virtually Anywhere Episode 1