Exams Andalucía Exams Andalucía a introdus Linguaskill pentru a oferi candidaților săi un test flexibil, de mai multe niveluri, care oferă rezultate exacte în 48 de ore lucrătoare, pentru situații în care aceștia trebuie să-și dovedească rapid nivelul de engleză.
International House London International House London a introdus Linguaskill pentru a oferi teste de poziționare rapide online pentru elevii săi și clienții externi, de la companii la școli de limbi străine și persoane fizice.
INP Grenoble Institutul francez de inginerie INP Grenoble a adoptat testul Linguaskill în anul 2019 pentru a-și ajuta studenții să obțină un certificat de limba engleză de nivelul B2 conform CECRL, o cerință de absolvire.
Paraná Speaks English The Paraná Speaks English programme, is part of the broader Paraná Speaks Languages project. Discover how Linguaskill is being used to help the programme achieve its internationalisation goals.
TETEC TETEC, one of the largest private qualification awarding bodies in Saudi Arabia, introduced Linguaskill after looking for an easy-to-use, more accurate online test to support the growth of English skills in the country.
Nanyang Technological University Singapore Nanyang Technological University Singapore uses Linguaskill's computer-based testing to deliver tailored English language support to international postgraduate students, through better testing of writing, speaking, listening and reading proficiency.
CognosOnline CognosOnline provides innovative technological solutions focused on education and training across Latin America. It is using Linguaskill to meet the need for greater English language teaching and certification in Peru.
The Anglo Mexican Foundation The Anglo Mexican Foundation, one of the largest providers of English language training in Mexico, has introduced Linguaskill to its customers to help meet Mexico’s growing demand for English language skills in both business and education.
Jesuit Worldwide Learning Jesuit Worldwide Learning has started using Linguaskill to administer tests in difficult-to-reach centres around the world. Students will now be able to demonstrate progress through an internationally recognised test, which is easy to administer and provides fast results.
Air France Air France uses Linguaskill as part of a recruitment process that demands different levels of English. The airline chose Linguaskill because it is a fast and reliable online test, that can be taken any time, anywhere. Watch our video