Before the webinar
How can I get updates and alerts on webinars?
You can sign up to receive regular alerts about our Webinars for Teachers by signing up to our webinar updates here.
I cannot make the live webinar, how else can I watch?
Check our webinar schedule to see if there is another date or time option for the webinar.
Most of our webinars are available to watch afterwards on our YouTube channel.
Is the webinar free?
The majority of our webinars are free of charge. It will be indicated during the registration process if there is a charge.
Will I get a certificate of attendance?
All of our Webinars for Teachers offer a certificate of attendance. If you are attending a different webinar then refer to your invitation for more information.
Will I get an Open Badge?
All of our Webinars for Teachers offer an Open Badge. If you are attending a different webinar then refer to your invitation for more information.
What is the time of the webinar where I am?
We recommend that you use Time and Date to convert the time of the webinar to your local time zone.
How long is the webinar?
Most of our webinars last for 1 hour, however check your invitation for more information as some webinars may last longer.
On the Day
How can I access the webinar?
When you register for one of our webinars you will be sent a link via email from Zoom with the link to join.
I cannot hear or see the webinar.
Try refreshing your browser. If that doesn’t work you may need to leave the Zoom webinar and re-enter using the link in your email.
The webinar is blurry.
The webinar takes up a lot of bandwidth so we recommend you close any other large programmes, such as Skype, if you can.
Will the webinar be available afterwards?
All of our Webinars for Teachers and supporting materials are available afterwards on our YouTube channel.
For other webinars, you will be emailed afterwards with a link to the recording if this is being made available online.
After the webinar
I haven’t received my certificate of attendance.
Your certificate will be emailed to you within a week of the webinar. Check your junk folder as the email containing a link to your certificate may be there.
If you have not received the email, please contact the webinar team and provide the webinar title and date, and your full name.
Why doesn’t my certificate have my name on it?
Due to the large number of attendees for our webinars, attendees will need to fill in their own names on the certificate. Simply type your name in the text box and save it to your computer.
I couldn’t watch the webinar, can I still get a certificate of attendance?
We only issue certificates to those who have attended one of our live webinars.
I haven’t received my Open Badge.
Only selected webinars offer Open Badges, check your invitation for more information.
We have recently changed the way we issue Open Badges. You can now collect your badge by following the instructions sent to you in the email sent to you after the webinar. If you have not received the email, please contact the webinar team and provide the title of the webinar.
I couldn’t watch the webinar, how can I watch it?
Check our webinar schedule to see if there is another date or time option for the webinar.
All Webinars for Teachers are available to watch afterwards on our YouTube channel. For other webinars, you will be emailed afterwards with a link to the recording if this is being made available online.
When will I receive the slides from the webinar?
If you registered for the live webinar we will send you an email with the link when they become available after the webinar.